Underwriting Policies & Procedures
In accordance with the FCC, IPM underwriting credits may not include comparative, qualitative, or overly promotional language; price or value information; inducement to buy, sell, rent, lease, borrow, or loan; third-party endorsements; calls to action; first or second-person language that implies station endorsement (you, we, us, I). Federal statutes and FCC regulations affect the permissible content, length, and placement of underwriting credits on WILL AM, FM, and TV. [Ref: footnote 1]
The FCC does allow an underwriting credit to include some descriptive information aside from the funder’s name. Public broadcasters are expected to make a reasonable good faith judgement as to whether the underwriting credit identifies rather than promotes. [Ref: footnote 2]
IPM also adheres to the definition of “acknowledgment” as outlined in the University of Illinois’ Campus Administrative Manual: an “acknowledgment” recognizes a sponsorship consistent with IRS regulations, including but not limited to, using the sponsor’s logos and slogans that do not contain comparative or qualitative descriptions of the sponsor’s products, services, facilities, or company. [Ref: footnote 3]
Underwriting schedules are produced by Illinois Public Media development staff and sent to the potential underwriter for review and changes. Underwriting schedules include the underwriter’s contact information, the written underwriting credit, and outline when and on what station underwriting credits will air as well as the per spot rate. Proposed underwriting schedules must be approved by the underwriter with a signature and returned to IPM development staff before acknowledgments can air. All underwriting schedules are kept on file by IPM development staff indefinitely.
Underwriting scripts adhere to all FCC and University of Illinois Campus guidelines on what constitutes an acknowledgment and sponsorship. Before airing, underwriting scripts are carefully reviewed by development staff and, if needed, by the current Corporate Support Advisor for Greater Public. [Ref: footnote 4]
IPM also adheres to FCC and University of Illinois Campus underwriting and acknowledgment policies for online and print underwriting. IPM holds all underwriters to the same standards and policies whether the underwriter is supporting radio, television, or streaming programming.
- The Public and Broadcasting 2019 (Prepared by the FCC); PBS Local Underwriting Station Handbook 2015
- PBS Funding Standards and Practices 2018
- Campus Administrative Manual Policy on Sponsorship and Advertising in Campus Publications
- Greater Public is a professional development association for public media fundraisers giving public media stations support on best practices and providing training and professional advice
Updated 2/5/25