Piano Quartet No. 2 by Brahms and Dvorak’s last String Quartet on the “Evening Concert”
The Brahms' work dates from 1861, the Dvorak from 1895, it's his last string quartet.
The Brahms' work dates from 1861, the Dvorak from 1895, it's his last string quartet.
The Beethoven Opus 103 Octet for Two Oboes, Two Clarinets, Two Bassoons, and Two Horns used to be heard more frequently; perhaps it's because it's not as easy to get 8 players of the proper instrumetnation together at the same time? Tune in tonight at 7:00 for this musical monument.
"Classic" classics from Mozart (the 4th Horn Concerto and "Haffne" Symphony) and Haydn (the trumpet Concerto, the "London" Symphony) tonight.
Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts: Munich Philharmonic: Dvorak's "New World" Symphony from Cologne.