Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan Says Budget Deal Is Days Away
Illinois' new governor and legislative leaders are figuring out how to deal with shortfalls in this year's budget.
Illinois' new governor and legislative leaders are figuring out how to deal with shortfalls in this year's budget.
Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner wants to create 'right-to-work zones' in Illinois. Kentucky recently began a similar experiment to allow workers to opt-out of union dues, and could offer some clues as to what to expect in Illinois.
Gov. Bruce Rauner says his budget is a responsible path after years of "financial recklessness.'' Deep cuts include those to Medicaid and higher education. A University of Illinois official says all three campuses must find ways to save money and that "everything is on the table."
Uber was launched in Champaign-Urbana Sunday, along with four other cities outside Chicago. Gov. Rauner says he'll do all he can to bring high-tech companies like Uber to Champaign-Urbana.
Republican Senator Jason Barickman and Democratic Senator Andy Manar have vowed to work together on plans for paying for K-12 education.