Americans Don’t Trust Scientists’ Take On Food Issues
A new survey finds strong public support for organic food and suspicion of GMO's -- regardless of whether people vote Republican or Democratic. Also, people don't trust scientists much at all.
A new survey finds strong public support for organic food and suspicion of GMO's -- regardless of whether people vote Republican or Democratic. Also, people don't trust scientists much at all.
On the 21st: What does it mean when we say that a plant is genetically modified? Plus, we explore why the number of Illinois college students graduating with a degree in African-American studies is declining.
Republican Congressman Rodney Davis of Taylorville said he reluctatly supported a GMO food labeling measure as the clock winded down on Congress last week. This measure, which President Obama is expected to sign, would pre-empt other state laws, including one out of Vermont that Davis calls 'unscientifically based', and meant solely to boost the state's economy.
On The 21st: What will the new GMO labeling bill mean for consumers? And Evangelical Christians are leaning toward Trump in the presidential race, but not without reservations. Plus, what options are there for people dissatisfied with their ballot options?
A Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting analysis of the USDA data found that Monsanto has been responsible for introducing 37 different genetically engineered seeds approved by the USDA. That number is about one-third of all USDA-approved GMOs. Most of those approved seeds have been for corn, soybean and cotton.