Illinois Finally Has a Budget! But Just A Temporary One. (A Tale Of Trade-Offs)
Illinois' unprecedented budget impasse has ended … for now, and just in the nick of time.
Illinois' unprecedented budget impasse has ended … for now, and just in the nick of time.
Illinois' budget crisis will continue, unabated. The regular spring session came to an end Tuesday night, without any resolution to the stalemate that has the state entering its twelfth month without a complete spending plan. There's no plan for the next fiscal year that starts July 1st, either.
Illinois could be heading into a second year without a budget. Lawmakers are beginning their final day of the regularly-scheduled spring session without a deal.
Illinois lawmakers continue their budget negotiations in private, while Gov. Rauner continues to say publicly that he'll agree to raising taxes only if Democrats accept his pro-business, union-weakening agenda.