Why didn’t eviction moratoriums protect some renters?
To explain how a multi-state landlord continued evictions and rent raises during the pandemic, we were joined by one of the journalists who followed this story
To explain how a multi-state landlord continued evictions and rent raises during the pandemic, we were joined by one of the journalists who followed this story
According to the Census Bureau, about 6.5 Americans have fallen behind on their rent payments since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The national moratorium on evictions expired August 1. The 21st spoke to organizations around the state about what help is available for struggling tenants.
The Illinois Newsroom team is answering questions from listeners to navigate this unprecedented time. Have a question you want answered? Ask here.
In today's edition of "Ask the Newsroom," we've answered questions on everything from the pause on evictions to DMVs remaining closed below!
Keeping cases unsealed leaves guiltless tenants at risk for rejection, but realtors say that could make it difficult for landlords to be diligent in screening.