Has America changed 3 years after George Floyd’s murder?
Three years ago, Black Lives Matter was at the forefront in reaction to many murders such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. But has America really changed?
Three years ago, Black Lives Matter was at the forefront in reaction to many murders such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. But has America really changed?
A faculty-student panel at the University of Illinois has passed a measure that renews a commitment to diversity, and a welcoming climate for minority and LGBT students in the wake of the presidential election. But there was also a fair amount of debate at Monday’s meeting of the Urbana Campus Senate - primarily over whether the 'Resolution on an Inclusive Campus Senate' needed further review.
University of Illinois President Timothy Killeen has named Robert J. Jones to be the new chancellor for the University's Urbana campus, and vice-president of the three-campus U of I system. He will become the first African-American to hold the post of chancellor in Urbana.
Swastikas spray-painted on three campus buildings. A white groundskeeper tossing a noose on a worktable used by a black co-worker. Chalk messages saying “Build the Wall” and “Trump Deportation Force” written on sidewalks in front of the building that houses the Department of Latina/Latino Studies. Associate Professor of African-American Studies Erik McDuffie discusses these University of Illinois Urbana campus incidents and the "Freedom Forum" his department hosted in response with Illinois Public Media's Brian Moline.
The university's Department of African-American Studies was the main sponsor of the forum focused on the black Lives Matter Movement and Black student protest on campus, in Champaign-Urbana and beyond.