Charles Bennett/AP

Harold Washington; Illinois Car Seat Law; Rockford Peaches Anniversary; Alzheimer’s Latino Study

On the 21st: We discuss a new Illinois kids car seat law which would require children under two to ride in rear-facing car seats. Plus, we talk to Dr. David Marquez about new research on Alzheimer's in the Latino community. Also, the Rockford Peaches celebrated their 75th anniversary this month. What did the town do to celebrate? But first, we talk to biographer Roger Biles about his new book "Mayor Harold Washington: Champion of Race and Reform in Chicago." 

Family caregiver
Flickr user: glaxosmithkline

Dementia Caregivers; Nutrition Perceptions

On The 21st: We talked about what it means to be a caregiver for a person living with dementia - we were joined by a Champaign caregiver and a licensed professional counselor at Alzheimer's Association, Greater Illinois Chapter. Plus, we talked about what foods people think are healthy versus what nutritionists say are actually healthy.

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