Best of: How did women access abortions in Illinois before Roe v. Wade?
Before Roe v. Wade recognized a constitutional right to abortion, Illinois women still found ways to end their pregnancies.
Before Roe v. Wade recognized a constitutional right to abortion, Illinois women still found ways to end their pregnancies.
Many women with complex high-risk pregnancies, who live in abortion-restricted states, are coming to Illinois for treatment.
To talk about what's actually in the legislation, what its effects might be, and the potential legal challenges, The 21st was joined by a reporter who's been following the story, the director of strategic partnerships for an abortion access fund, and a professor of law.
Last week, Danville passed a city ordinance that banned the shipping of abortion medication and tools. The 21st was joined by an attorney from ACLU Illinois and two journalists that have been following the story.
To unpack the recent federal court rulings and where the approvals of Mifepristone currently stand, The 21st was joined by two journalists that have been following the story and the author of When Abortion was a Crime.