Davis & Dirksen Londrigan Argue Gun Control, Healthcare In Urbana Debate
A broadcast debate in Urbana between the candidates for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District seat covered issues that ranged from healthcare to preventing gun violence.
A broadcast debate in Urbana between the candidates for Illinois’ 13th Congressional District seat covered issues that ranged from healthcare to preventing gun violence.
Three Champaign County Board candidates whose nominations faced challenges will now get their names on the November ballot without opposition.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate J-B Pritzker continued to stand by a controversial campaign ad during a visit to Champaign on Friday. The ad attacks Governor Bruce Rauner for his financial interest in a company that provides healthcare to facilities holding immigrant detainees.
Downstate Senator Sam McCann filed petition signatures on Monday to get on the fall ballot. Back in April he announced a run for governor for the newly created Conservative Party.
Dan Caulkins hopes to be one of at least 25 new members of the Illinois House next year. The Decatur businessman, Eastern Illinois University trustee and former Decatur City Councilman is one of three candidates on the March 20th primary ballot for the Republican nomination for the House seat in the 101st District. That seat is one of several in the Illinois House where incumbents have announced their retirements, after a grueling two-year budget impasse.