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AP: Congressman Schock Billed Private Planes, Concerts

Congressman Aaron Schock talks with reporters before meeting with constituents Feb. 6

U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock speaks to reporters before meetings with constituents after a week in which he faced twin scandals Friday, Feb. 6, 2015, in Peoria. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman)

Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock spent taxpayer and campaign funds on private planes to fly around the country on aircraft owned by some of his donors.  An Associated Press review of his expense records found the flights.

There also were other travel and entertainment charges, including for a massage company and music concerts.
Schock's use of congressional and political funds to pay for trips on a supporters' aircraft raises new questions amid an ethics inquiry already underway.

The expenses include a trip for $11,400 and apparent trips before last November's elections.
Schock is a rising star in the Republican party facing questions over decorating expenses for his Washington office in the theme of the TV show "Downton Abbey.''
His office declined to comment on his expenses Monday.