Tonight’s Holiday Special is “A Brass and Choral Holiday Concert” from Chicago’s Music of the Baroque
Tonight at 7:00 on the “Evening Concert” on FM 90.9 the “The New York Philharmonic This Week” is pre-empted so we can bring you a two-hour holiday program from Chicago’s “Music of the Baroque”: “A Brass and Choral Holiday Concert”. You’ll hear music by Giovanni Gabrieli, Praetorius and others.
Monday December 23: The New York Philharmonic This Week (NYP) is pre-empted for a Holiday Special:
Music of the Baroque Brass and Choral Holiday Concert (from WFMT)
Music of the Baroque is comprised of a chorus and orchestra of approximately 60 professional musicians who individually perform around the nation and worldwide and come together in Chicago as a collective.
William John Gray, Conductor
Samuel Scheidt: Canzon cornetto a 4. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck: Hodie Christus natus est.
Annon.: I shall be satisfied. Annon.: Nowel syng we bothe all and summe.
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzona primi toni a .8 Robert Parsons: Ave Maria
William Billings: Shiloh Bortniansky: Sláva vo v?shnih Bóhu
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon XXVIII a 8 Bouzignac: Noé, Noé! Pastores
Tielman Susato: Suite from La Danserye Claudio Monteverdi: Adoramus te, Christe
Mateo Flecha the Elder: Riu, riu chiu Daniel Speer: Sonata for Four Trombones
Zieleński: Vidimus stellam euis in Oriente Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla: A siolo flasiquiyo,
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon septimi toni a 8 Annon.: Te Deum laudamus
Andrea Gabrieli: Alla battaglia, o forti cavalieri Michael Praetorius: Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzona Septimi Toni No.2 Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzona Noni Toni
Giovanni Gabrieli: In Ecclesiis Johann Vierdanck: Capriccio a 3 Cornetti
Michael Praetorius: from Terpsichore: Passameze Michael Praetorius: from Terpsichore: Suite de ballets